Ryan Adams Finally Responds to Courtney Love Rants

Courtney Love has used her MySpace blog and Twitter to call Ryan Adams every name in the book, but Adams, the former online ranter himself, has stayed stoically quiet amid Love’s accusations… until now. Apparently, the final straw for Adams was being called Love’s “ex-boyfriend” by Gawker:

“I have never had any romantic, personal or financial involvement with Courtney Love,” Adams said in a statement to Gawker. “She is confusing me with her ex, who produced my Rock n Roll record, which was financed solely by Universal Music.”

See, Love had claimed that her her ex, Jim Barber, was escorted to Guitar Center by Adams with one of her “29 AMEX cards” in tow, but the pair behind Rock n’ Roll were actually putting the whole thing on Universal’s tab.

Case closed. Now Adams can scamper safely out of Love’s sight and back to his happy marriage. Or can he?