Bono Decries Top Ten Lists, Pens Top Ten List

BonoI’ll admit to being a Bono apologist from time to time, but the one-year anniversary of his column in the NY Times’ Op-Ed section is approaching and I can’t help but point out the U2 singer’s somewhat lackluster offering. This time around, he opens by decrying the glut of year-end lists of late.

“Even in these self-restrained pages,” writes Bono Vox, “it has been impossible to avoid the end-of-the-decade accountings of the 10 best such-and-suches and the 10 worst fill-in-the-blanks.”

What follows is his own list of “10 ideas that might make the next 10 years more interesting,” including a forewarning to music pirates, the automobile “bling bling” culture, and some good ole Middle East meddling.

There might be more there, but I honestly didn’t make it all the way through.