Bjork Splits With Matthew Barney, Becomes Venture Capitalist

I’m not sure if it’s connected, but in the span of 4 days, Bjork has reportedly broken up with her partner of 7 years and started an Icelandic venture capital fund.

On Monday, Gawker posted a screenshot from film director and artist Matthew Barney’s Facebook page indicating he was no longer in a relationship. The pair have a daughter, Isadora, 6, and made the avant garde film Drawing Restraint 9 in 2005.

Today Icelandic Review Online reports Bjork has partnered with Audur Capital to form a joint venture fund called, BJORK. Speaking at a presentation for the initiative, Bjork spoke about her strong support for Icelandic seed companies: “It was often necessary but now it’s of vital importance. I hope that both seed companies and people with money will take an interest in this initiative,” she said, adding that she “is pleased about the fund’s focus on environmentally-friendly operations.”

The Bjork/Barney breakup has yet to be confirmed, but it looks like she dropped the dead weight and is ready to take over the world, Bono-style.