Courtney Love Goes All Mel Gibson in Magazine Interview?

A controversy is brewing over whether Courtney Love’s “anti-Semitic ravings” in a recent interview with Heeb, an American Jewish magazine, were taken out of context by Page Six

Heeb has posted a rebuttal to Page Six’s suggestion that Love, whose mother was Jewish, is an anti-Semite “of the Mel Gibson variety,” called In Defense of Courtney Love. Heeb’s post says that the quote was taken too far out of the context of the 5,500 word piece. Here is Love’s quote:

“”Every time you buy a Nirvana record, part of that money is not going to Kurt’s child, or to me, it’s going to a handful of Jew loan officers, Jew private banks, it’s going to lawyers who are also bankers …”

In Heeb’s defense of Love they said: “Like it or not—and over the seven years we’ve been publishing Heeb we’ve found that many do not, but the simple fact remains: This is how Jews talk to Jews.”

You can make up your own mind by reading the full interview in question here and Heeb’s response to the Page Six article here.