Musical Lawsuits: Lil Wayne Sued/Sues Over Sample

Lawyers needn’t chase ambulances anymore, as they’d have a better chance at scoring a case with Lil Wayne these days. Not only is he embroiled in previous lawsuits about cancelled concerts, a scandalous documentary, and gun possession, Weezy is now being sued and suing someone else over a sample from his song “I Feel Like Dying.”

I’ll try to keep it simple: MTV Reports that LA-Based singer/songwriter Karma-Ann Swanepoel sued Wayne last year for copyright infringement for allegedly using her unreleased song “Once” without permission.

Lil Wayne has now responded to the accusation by suing his producers at Rebel Rock Productions Inc. for not taking care of the paperwork.

If Rebel Rock sues Swanepoel, the circle will be complete.