Santana Asks Obama to Legalize Marijuana

Carlos Santana thinks he knows the way out of this recession and it isn’t through guitar riffs or Rob Thomas duets. “Legalize marijuana and take all that money and invest it in teachers and in education,” Santana said (via CBS 13). “You will see a transformation in America.” Hey Phish is back, so why not, right?

The legalization of marijuana is “really way overdue,” Santana continued, “like the prohibition with the alcohol and stuff like that. I really believe that as soon as we legalize and decriminalize marijuana we can actually afford a really good governor who won’t keep taking money away from education and from teachers and send him back to Hollywood where he can do ‘D’ movies and we can get an ‘A’ governor,” referring to California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Yeah man, teachers and education and like teaching people stuff and the Terminator will be like… It’s all happening!