Juliana Hatfield Drops Free Lindsay Lohan Tribute Song

In her new song “There’s Always Another Girl (For Lindsay Lohan),” Juliana Hatfield uses the schadenfreude of the media’s obsession with Lindsay Lohan to point out double standards in the entertainment industry. Here’s a sample of the lyrics:

Oh people love it when a beautifiul woman self destructs/Like a bird in a cage or a bug under glass people point but don’t touch/But beautiful boys get away with so much, they get away with murder

Hatfield gave a more explicit explanation for her defense of the fallen starlet in a statement to Stereogum (where the song is also available for free download). “I rented I Know Who Killed Me and was impressed at how watchable and interesting Lindsay Lohan was in it,” Hatfield said. She goes on to say that Lohan deserves a great comeback role (a la Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler), adding, “It’s so gross and nasty for people to be watching and waiting and almost cheerleading for Lindsay to relapse, or get in a car crash or whatever. Horrible.”

To stream the song, sign up for a free download, or read more from Hatfield’s response, click here or here.