Bill Cosby to Release Hip-Hop Album, Feat. Eric Clapton, Alicia Keys, & LL Cool J

Now I don’t know much about Bill Cosby’s personal life, but I do know that Dr. Cliff Huxtable was one of the best fictional dads of all time. Take that, Atticus Finch! So it may be shocking that the Cos is releasing his debut hip-hop album, but it makes total sense that its purpose is to raise social awareness in the rap community.

“I don’t like referring to the music as clean,” Cosby said (via Boombox) of the songs from The Cosnarati: State of Emergency. “What I like is what you’re not going to do. You’re not going to curse. You’re not going to put women down. You’re not going to put the glory of the gun somewhere. And you’re not going to put a whole lot of violence up front like that’s the thing that will cleanse you and make you feel better.”

Cosby brought in guest rappers for the record (thank God) and other famous cameos by Eric Clapton, Alicia Keys, LL Cool J, and more. The Cos’ credit simply reads: “All song story concepts by Dr. William H. Cosby.” Wait, he’s a doctor in real life?! Okay, I knew that.

If you’re wondering what the Cosnarati’s debut sounds like, wait no further: State of Emergency is streaming in full here.