Noah Lennox, Alison Mosshart, & More Back “Save BBC 6Music” Campaign

David Bowie, Radiohead guitarist Ed O’Brien, and (future reality show star?) Lily Allen, have all chimed in on the proposed closing of the BBC’s beloved 6Music radio station. But that trio of headline-ready British music stars only represent a small portion of Google Trends-worthy artists ready to campaign for this great cause.

“When I was a lot younger radio used to be the place I’d go to find new music and I feel like I would find it everywhere on the dial,” wrote Noah Lennox of Panda Bear/Animal Collective in a message from Domino Records on Monday morning. “Since then it seems like less and less stations are willing to or have the means to play new music. I miss unpredictable radio. Please support these guys…”

Lennox and his fellow Domino recording artists have banded together in support of O’Brien’s plea for fans to write the BBC Trust and join Jon Morter’s follow-up to his successful RATM Facebook campaign.

The Dead Weather/Kills’ Alison Mosshart makes an even more impassioned plea:

Please don’t leave us musicians and music lovers with such a void. We need BBC6. It is the only radio station we all listen too, and seemingly, the only station that plays anything worth listening too.


It would be culturally damaging to lose this station. I highly doubt I would ever listen to radio in England again, if it were gone. And that goes for a great many friends and colleagues of mine.

For more from Mosshart, as well as Four Tet’s Kieran Hebden, Lightspeed Champion, These New Puritans, Wild Beasts, and more click here.