Roger Waters Makes NYC/LA Street Art, Talks The Wall Musical

Roger Waters won’t be setting out on his massive North American The Wall Tour until after the summer, but the legendary former Pink Floyd member has plenty of projects to keep him busy in the meantime. In fact, one politically-inspired piece of art is underway as we speak: Waters is projecting one of his favorite quotes from former President Dwight D. Eisenhower at various locations in New York City and Los Angeles (tonight’s locations are Broadway and Houston in NYC and 9957 S. Cienega in LA).

The Ike quote, which can be seen in the image below or on Facebook, was discovered by Waters in this NY Times op-ed piece last fall:

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

While Waters isn’t busy with his foray as the Banksy of psychedelic rock he has been developing a musical version of The Wall with Billy Elliot scribe Lee Hall. In an interview with the Associated Press (via CoS), Waters said that he and Hall have “been working on and off” on the musical for the past year. “I’m touching wood but we think we’ve finally found a director that we want to work with, so that’s another project that’s in the pipeline.”