New Kanye Spoofs: Muppets “Monster” Mash-Up + Josh Groban Sings Tweets

Allow me to take a break from our regularly scheduled programming for a moment and enjoy two lulzy videos making the rounds today: Josh Groban’s spoof of Kanye West’s absurd and prolific 2010 Tweeting, as well as the latest (and best) Muppet mash-up video of “Monster” — possibly the most vulgar Muppet lip-dub yet. An operatic take on Ye’s greatest Twitter hits, such as “Fur pillows are actually hard to sleep on,” might seem almost too obvious of a comedic choice at first, but Groban and Co. turned the idea into a pich-perfect bit here. Meanwhile, the Muppets, well, that one you’ll just have to see for yourself (NSFW, obvs):

P.S. Flavorwire posted a great round-up of Muppet mash-up videos yesterday that’s well worth checking out.