Passion Pit: “Take A Walk”

Conor Oberst’s Desaparecidos rekindled their brand of angst-fueled commentary on the state of the union last month, but now comes Michael Angelakos with an optimistic response to the current economic climate: “I remind myself that times could be much worse,” he reflects in Passion Pit’s new summer synth jam, “Take A Walk,” finding a bit of hope among a handful of personal frustrations he cites throughout the cut. Frankly, it’s refreshing to hear both world-weary takes on hard times — an embittered, confrontational call to action and the more uplifting point of view —  both of which feel completely rousing and relatable depending on the moment. It doesn’t hurt that big, memorable hooks abound in Angelakos’ single, either. Give it a spin below:

Passion Pit’s new album, Gossamer, arrives in July.