Pitchfork´s Andy Samberg and The Lonely Island Interview

If you’re looking for a laugh and some great stories from behind-the-scenes of the SNL Digital Shorts, check out Pitchfork’s great interview with Andy Samberg, Akiva Shaeffer, and Jorma Tacone.

The SNL comedy team talk about their upcoming The Lonely Album album INCREDIBAD, Justin Timberlake forcing them to admire his ‘N Sync videos on YouTube, and they even take Pitchfork and Stereogum to task for rock snobbery. Most of the interview is hilarious, but there are a few more serious-toned bits, such as Samberg saying to the P4K writer,

“I was having this discussion the other day about how, on Pitchfork and Stereogum and likeminded places, the best and the worst of the year are always pretty much the same bands, which is so indicative of sort of the tone of it all.”

For the full article click here.