Billy Bragg and Kate Nash Join London G20 Protest, Perform

Singer/songwriters Billy Bragg and Kate Nash appeared today at the “Financial Fool’s Day” protest in London, rallying against the government’s economic policies.

“Bankers’ bonuses should be taxed at 90 per cent like in America,” Bragg told the Mirror before his scheduled performance outside the Bank of England. “We hope to send a message that we are very angry. People are not going to sit back and let this continue happening to us.”

He also spoke to NME, declaring, “If ever there was a time when the possibility of another way of doing things was to be debated, that’s now. So I think the anti-globalisation movement are totally justified in coming out onto the streets into the city of London when the bankers are there to express their anger over this situation that the bankers have got us into.”

Bragg’s midday performance included two popular protest songs, “The World Turned Upside-Down” and his own “The Internationale.” For a video of Bragg leading the crowd in an a cappella version of the latter song, click here.