K.D. Lang on Prop 8: America is No Different Than Iraq

”KDIn an interview with the Charlotte Observer’s Courtney Devores, singer K.D. Lang discussed how America’s gay marriage debate is a bit absurd from her perspective: “Being a Canadian and gay marriage being legal there for quite a few years, it makes me kind of laugh that America sees itself as a progressive world leader where it’s antiquated in a lot of areas,” she said when asked about California’s Proposition 8 that banned gay marriage in the state.

It’s unclear if the conversation took place before or after Iowa’s recent overturning of their gay marriage ban, which Jon Stewart said last night means Iowa is “now officially more progressive than California.” Perhaps that’s the exact kind of “progressive” touting she was referring to.

Lang, who came out almost twenty years ago, didn’t stop there, though. “When human beings’ rights are dictated by another human being’s beliefs, we’re in trouble,” she added. “We’re no different than Iraq or Afghanistan or even China. I just think we should move beyond that.”

For more of Lang’s interview and a funny bit about how real artists wouldn’t ever want to be on American Idol, click here.